Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Moon Planting

When to sow seeds relates to the moon and its phases.
Sowing particular seeds at the new moon gives them the best chance to grow.
In the first quarter, the new moon phase, sow leafy vegetables.
Every living thing feels an upsurge of energy - the sap is rising. A great time to plant or to start any projects, although some believe that it is better to wait until you can actually see the crescent of the New Moon.
Plant, graft and transplant annuals that produce above ground, especially those of a leafy kind that produce seeds outside the fruit, also cereals and grains.
Don't pick anything as it rots too easily at this time. Mow lawns to increase growth. Plants need more oxygen at this time.
The Moon rises and sets with the Sun at this time, and for the first one or two days is invisible. Every night she sets approximately one hour later; and can first been seen as a waxing crescent (increasing in light) close to the Sun, at sunset.
In the second quarter, sow beans, peas, pumpkin, grain crops, fruiting vegetables.
The energy (and the sap) is still fresh rising - this is a good phase for starting anything. Plant, graft and transplant annuals that produce above ground, especially of a vine-type with seeds produced inside (like beans, peas, peppers, squash and tomatoes).
Plant cereals and grains. All activities listed for the New Moon phase are just as successful if done now. The last two days of this phase, just before the Full Moon are considered optimum for planting, and grafts take best if done at this time.
By the First quarter phase the Moon is rising at noon, setting at midnight. She slowly grows in light, illuminating the first half of the night sky.

In the third quarter, sow rooting vegetables, perennials. This is also a good time to take cuttings.
There is a peaking of the electromagnetic energy of all living things at the exact time of the Full Moon, and then a slow withdrawal of energy for the next two weeks, as the Moon wanes.
Plant perennials, biennials, bulb and root crops and anything that produces below ground. The sap flow is downwards into the roots. Pruning is most successful now, and it is an excellent time to harvest all crops. Medicinal herbs and plants are most potent when picked now. This is a great time for sprouting seeds to eat, but not so good for sprouting seeds for planting, as there is a good initial growth spurt with only spindly follow through.
The Full Moon rises brilliant and full at sunset illuminating the sky for the whole night. It will rise later and later in the evening as it moves through its waning phase.  

In the fourth quarter, WEED :) no planting.. just weeding.

Harvest bamboo and trees in waning cycle of the moon as less sugar is in production.
Harvest garlic in the 4th quarter.
This is a barren phase, where it is most appropriate to rest or to prepare for the next New Moon. It is great for cultivation - pulling weeds, turning the earth, pruning. Apply organic fertilizers any time during the Waning Moon, from Full Moon onward. Mow lawns to decrease growth.
This is the best phase for harvesting crops that you want to store for a period of time without rotting or losing flavour. Transplant close to the end of this period for an easy recovery with little trauma.
Set fence posts, spread manure. Weeds pulled now have no strength to sprout again.
The Last Quarter Moon rises at midnight in the beginning of the phase, showing us her slowly vanishing crescent in the early morning eastern sky. She then moves closer to the Sun until she becomes visible for the last day or two of the phase. The cycle is complete.

Purple text taken from "PLANTING BY THE MOON
This is an ancient planting system known to every early culture throughout the world. One again it is becoming popular as people search for alternatives to chemical pesticides and fertilizers, and their frightening side effects. Working with the appropriate phase of the Moon for all aspects of planting, cultivation, and harvesting will increase quality as well as quantity in your crops. Many herbalists are using this system and producing vastly more potent medicinal and culinary plants."

The thing that stands out to me about moon planting is how much it relates to all of life, to do things at certain phases. We are such cyclical creatures, and so is the environment around us. The fourth quarter advice for "Weeding" really stood out to me. There are times to commence growing in new directions, there are times to dig roots deeply into the ground and there are times to cut back the stuff that is inhibiting growth.

Permacultural studies speak to me about so much more than gardening, growing food and being self sufficient. I have no doubt there is ancient wisdom passed through to us when we truly connect to the earth...  the threads connecting every aspect of life and the intricate ways in which they are woven leave me awestruck, humbled and often in tears. The responsibility of awareness is at once inspiring, exciting and daunting. It's daunting because being at the spearhead, when most of society isn't operating in the same way, with the same kind of awareness is fucking hard. It's inspiring because it shows me what's possible if i do take responsibility for my own footprint. At the basis of this is my belief that what i see around me reflects what is in me.. so in finetuning and refining my choices on my path, making conscious choices that are loving to both me, my loved ones and the planet, i have great hope of dominoing the fuck out of Monsanto and the gang.

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